
What a Good Synopsis Can Do

A good synopsis can make the difference if your exhibit is see-sawing between medal levels or is competing for special awards. It won't guarantee a Gold Medal or a Grand Award, but it allows the jury to see the exhibit as you do.

A synopsis only works if the Judges read it. A compelling layout that makes it as easy for the reader to absorb and retain the important aspects of your exhibit is key.

Judges only have a few minutes at the frames to look at your exhibit, and truth be told, they can't read every page — so the synopsis can point them to what they MUST see.

A good synopsis will anticipate and answer the Jury's questions BEFORE they see the exhibit in the frames.

This is a part of exhibiting I have focused on for the past 20 years. I've been recognized for my exhibiting accomplishments but they are, in part, due to my mastery in preparing effective synopses. This experience led to me writing a
book to share my thoughts and techniques. I also share my thoughts and techniques with individual exhibitors who would like assistance in preparing synopses for their exhibits.

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